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Let's Talk About Racism: Race Education and Awareness

We know how many resources there are educating you on racial injustice right now. As you navigate through those, we hope we can help to provide you resources for where you are in your knowledge and conversations with racism specifically from the Nebraska Synod and the ELCA, as well as resources that you can use to talk to your children about race. 

Anti-Racism Resources


Starting the conversation, continuing the conversation and taking theconversation deeper.

Just Beginning The Conversation

Taking It Further

Digging Deeper

A Message from ELCA Nebraska Synod Bishop Brian Maas 

R.A.R.E. (Racial Awareness, Reconciliation, and Engagement)

R.A.R.E. (Racial Awareness, Reconciliation, and Engagement) is a committee of the Nebraska Synod ELCA dedicated to energizing the church to combat the sin of racism. By increasing awareness about the history and nature of racism, creating opportunities for reconciliation, and promoting engagement among diverse people, we can better live out the command to love God and love our neighbors. Through grace we commit to the task of shedding our prejudices and participating in the rich blessing of human difference.