Messiah's Inclement Weather Policy: To view our policies on inclement weather, click here. 

Worship at Messiah 

At Messiah we believe that worshiping and praising God is one of the most important things you can do. Therefore, we believe that worship, no matter the style should be lively, moving, and even fun. We offer two distinct styles of worship. Kids are always welcome in worship! They are our future leaders of worship! 

8:30am Worship 

At 8:30 worship we use the traditional Lutheran liturgy and more traditional
hymns. Yes, we are up and down a bit as we stand at particular times as a sign of respect and reverence, but if you are not able or uncomfortable standing often, you are welcome to stay seated.

5th Sundays of the Month

IIn the case that a 5th Sunday happens in any given month, you are invited to join us for one blended worship service at 9:30am, where the body of Christ comes together to worship with both traditional and contemporary elements. 

11:00am Worship 

At 11:00am worship we follow a simplified order of worship (with less standing) and we sing contemporary Christian music, led by a team of instrumentalists and singers. We offer prayer for those who are seeking God for a need or concernduring communion time. After receiving communion you will find a prayer team member upfront.

Summer Worship Schedule 

Memorial Day through Labor Day, we come together for one worship service at 9:30am. Adult and youth faith formation pause during the Summer months, but other opportunities for growth are available. Check our events page for more. 

Children in Worship 

Children are always welcome in worship. We know that by having them in worship, they learn from us, and we can pass down the faith to them. We also know that kids don't always sit still. We want you to feel comfortable bringing your family to worship, not worrying about how loud your children might be, or how disruptive you think they are. Children are the future leaders of the worship and the Church. Here are ways that you can engage your children in worship. 


Prayground is a place for young children to engage in worship from a place where they can see and learn about worship. Located in the front of the Sanctuary, we want children to be able to see what is happening! The Prayground is recommended for children 6 and under, with parent supervision. If your child needs to take a break from worship, our Quiet Room is available! Ask an usher for assistance. 

Worship Bags & Children Folders

Our Children's folders are available in the back of the Sanctuary, and pertains to the theme and Scripture for the day. Ask an usher for assistance. 

Worship Bags are located in the Lobby and are availble to kids in alternative to the Prayground. Included in the bags are coloring books, books, and crayons. 

Quiet Room

If your child needs to take a break from worship, our Quiet Room is available to young children. It is equipped with rocking chairs, a few toys, and a changing table. A speaker in the room allows you to continue to listen to worship. 

Serving in Worship 

There are so many ways to engage in worship! Find more and sign up here! 

Assisting Minister  

Assisting Minister helps to lead our 8:30am worship service. They assist Pastor with prayers and communion.  

To find out more and be added to our schedule, contact the church office. 

Communion Assistants 

Communion assistants are used at both services each Sunday. They assist with distributing Holy Communion to the congregation. 

To find out more and sign up, please contact Erin Judy. 

Prayer Team 

Our Prayer team is available during Holy Communion at 11am worship for those that want a more personal prayer during worship. If you are interested in our Prayer Ministry, contact Neil Smith. 

Altar Guild 

Altar Guild assists with preparing the Santcuary for worship. Specific duties include preparing Holy Communion, Baptisms, and tidying up the pews for worship. Teams are assigned to specific months through the year. To learn more and get on our Altar Guild schedule, please contact Dorothy Lange. 

Sonrise Team 

The praise team is used at our 11:00 worship services. Made up of many instruments as well as worship singers, the praise team sings a range of contemporary Christian music. To get invovled, contact Jonathan Berger. 

Traditional Choir 

Our choir uses their gift of music during the 8:30am worship service. Singing traditional hymms from the "Lutheran Book of Worship" and "With One Voice". The often practice on Wendesday evenings. To get involved in choir, reach out to our traditional worship leader, Anne Miller. 


Readers assist with reading the Old and New testament readings before the Gospel.

If you are interested in reading Scripture during worship, contact the church office. 


Our ushers are often the first people you see on a Sunday. They are there to greet those that walk through the door, pass out worship folders, and help with offering and preparing for the next worship service. If you are interested in being on an usher team, contact the church office.

A/V Booth

Our A/V Booth helps to lead worship by setup and running of sound system, projection, lighting, and digital stream of the worship service. To be trained to help in the AV Booth, contact Jonathan Berger.